What is Node.js?

Node.js allows developers to create both front-end and back-end applications using JavaScript. It was released in 2009 by Ryan Dahl.

4 min readApr 10, 2024

From its modest beginnings in 2009, Node.js has developed into one of the most widely used platforms for online application development. If you have spent any time in the web development community, you have heard the claim that Node.js is simply JavaScript. That’s true; understanding the problems and purposes behind the development of node.js can help you enjoy it more.

What is Node.js?

“Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.” — Nodejs.dev

An environment for runtime exists outside of the browser thanks to Node.js. It is likewise based on the JavaScript engine of Chrome V8. Because of this, you may create back-end apps with the same JavaScript programming language you already know.

It should be noted that browsers are not JavaScript engines; rather, they contain JavaScript engines along with other components, such as Node. Although it employs a JavaScript engine and consists of more components than simply the engine, js is not a JavaScript engine.

Node.js is open-source: which implies that anybody may access the program’s source code. Additionally, people from all across the world contribute to its upkeep. How to donate is explained in the Node.js contribution guide.

Cross-platform is Node.js: Node.js doesn’t require any operating system software to function. It is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux.

A JavaScript runtime environment is Node.js: When you type JavaScript code in your text editor, it has to be executed, or run, for it to do anything. And you need a runtime environment to execute your code.

What are the various features of Node.js?

  • Node.js nature is event-driven as well as asynchronous. Therefore, it never has to wait to receive data from any API and can easily jump to the next API. This procedure makes all the APIs non-blocking or asynchronous in nature.
  • Node.js follows a single-threaded architecture which makes it scalable. Also being asynchronous or non-blocking in nature makes it more scalable. However, in the case of traditional servers limited threads are made therefore it is not as scalable as Nodes.js.
  • Companies tend to opt for software that can be easily scalable. Therefore, the demand and popularity of Node.js is increasing with time. Many demands or requests can be handled skillfully with the assistance of Node.js. Scalability allows this open server to balance every load properly.
  • Node.js had a rapid runtime or execution time. This is because it uses the V8 Javascript which is a fast runtime motor. This exact same runtime moto is used by Google Chrome hence it has a fast execution speed.
  • Node.js is one of the most compatible open sources as it can be easily used on any system like Windows, MacOS, UNIX, etc.
  • Node.js is a very developer-friendly open server as it uses the JAVA script. JAVA is one of the most popular and easiest computer coding languages. Hence, most of the developers know how to work with JAVA and it becomes easier for them to work with Node.js.
  • Node.js is a buffering free open-server. This means that data never buffers while working with Node.js
  • Many open servers take a long period to stream data. On the other hand,
  • data are streamed rapidly while working with Node.js. Therefore, Node.js enhances the speed of uploading files as well as video streaming

Gaining experience with Node.js can help you stand out as a candidate for jobs.

What is npm?

One of the great tools that comes with Node.js is the NPM library.
There is a register of more than a million packages in the library. Code that may be reused is called a package. You may use the registry to share the code with others and build a package for a problem or repeating chore.
Additionally, you can obtain shared packages. There are packages available for a lot of the common activities that developers conduct.

node modules?

Node modules are collections of JavaScript libraries, or code, that you wish to maintain both together and apart from the rest of the codebase to maintain a tidy division of responsibilities.

To include a module, use the require() function with the name of the module:

var http = require('http');

Now your application has access to the HTTP module, and can create a server:

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
res.end('Hello World!');

After that, run your web server using node index.js, visit http://localhost:8000, and you will see a message ‘Hello World’.

Thanks for reading, I hope you find this useful and helps you in learning.

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Written by Ritik

Project Manager | chatGPT Prompt Mastery | Senior Software Engineer | Tech Writer | Simplifying Code for Everyone | https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ritik065

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